Rode on a boda boda today. It was terrifying!
Before I rode the motorcycle of death(with no helmet, that has to be illegal) Hillary and I walked into town this afternoon, did some shopping, etc. This place is so devestating, yet so very fascinating at the same time. Outside and inside of town there are buildings that were either burned or bombed and nothing remains but the brick exterior, I'm guess these are left over from the rein of Idi Amin. Everywhere there are reminders of tradegy. There are soldiers standing guard around the shops and on Main St. watching for thieves. There are children who walk the streets asking for money or working for barely anything. Even the adults only make between $1 and $10.00 a day, on a usual day. There are traffic attendants who work to collect parking fees, for about 20 cents each. The boda boda men usally only make about 30-50 cents for a short town ride, maybe a few dollars, if they are lucky. Groceries are fairly expensive here for them, but dude, talk about cheap compared to the USA. Gas here is about $7.00 a gallon.
In spite of all their hardships and difficulties and strife that these people are born into, most of them are fairly happy in their own way. They have made the choice to be joyful. They find a reason to smile.
The staff here at the orphanage is so great! All of the mamas(the Ugandan women employed here) are so very nice and most of them speak pretty good English. They are always asking me if it is summer or winter at home. And a few of them understand that we have a fall and then they ask me if it's fall at my house. And I don't know whether to just smile and say yes or to actually take the time to explain that we don't have much of a fall in Texas and that there isn't any snow falling there.
Okay, I have so much more I could say, but, as the great BAH once said...Hunger gets what Hunger wants. Toodles!
Oh and Alicia-I have been informed (by a google-master) that those random purple thingies are "Globe Amaranths". Just so you know...but I prefer random purple thingies, don't you?
Love the pics. Have you seen the nile river yet?
oooh boda boda, guess those are memories for a lifetime , eh?
love ya, mom.
Yeaaaaa...I found the correct address and now I can follow you around all day! I am thinking of you! xoxo JudyB
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