So, I have less than two weeks till I come home. Now that I have recovered from the culture shock, I actually wish my trip was longer. The first few days I was here, it was so uncomfortably different than home, I just kept asking myself if I was crazy and why I was here. But now I have kind of adjusted and I am really enjoying this. The children are just so very amazing. The babies are precious and all of the preschoolers want to learn and learn and learn. Last night they wanted to do the hokey pokey, but they didn't know the words, so Beri and I jumped in and did it with them, it was so much fun. Today we are going to try to go to the market if it doesn't rain this afternoon. I am ready to some more shopping.
The people here are so curious about America and of course, Obama,lol. That is one of the first things that they ask is how anyone feels about Obama. And then they ask about the weather. Totally related subjects, I know.
Found out something interesting today, almost no one here even has running water in their houses. Can you imagine in 2008 not even having running water to take a shower? There is also no real order of justice here, and no law enforcement, just soldiers with guns. Very often people here, when caught stealing or hurting another person, the people in town will take it upon themselves to bring justice and thieves are usually beaten. It really shocked me to find out that they are punished by being stoned. Can you even fathom being beaten in the same way people of the Bible were, only two thousand years later???
My girly side came out the other day. I mailed my postcards and when I went to buy stamps at the post office, she handed me stamps that weren't self-adhesive. Like, somehow I had to get the backs of those buggers wet and I certainly wasn't gonna stick my tongue to them. Can you imagine what kind of germs were on those? So, I ended up sort of licking my finger and then sliming the stamps and then using germ-x. What would you have done in a situation like that Napoleon?
love the photos ham! I think I will scrapbook my camping photos today! oh, BTW, I re-did your scrapbook desk! hehehehee
well, you can tell them that right now the weather is nice & cold with a chance of frost tomorrow!!!! yay!
dude, they still make stamps you have to lick??? sicko! i dont even like licking envelopes!
love, twitch!
lick them stamps girly girl. lol
Love the pics, you look like you're having fun.
later, mom
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