Today I hung out with preschool this morning, taught them the baby shark song,lol, with semi-successful results. Oh they loved the song, just didn't really get it down.Anyway, This is Gift...

Story time!

Jason is ADHD, I think, and so he doesn't usually pay the best of attention during pre-school. However, you sit down with a book and start reading, and he's all into it.

Handwriting is hard work! Who knew names had so many letter

I absolutely love the view here, especially at sunrise...
Me and my friend Issac, and his twin sister Mebra, in the background
A cool random, ok, really random tree.
Story time...AKA wind down time after the Hokey Pokey.

My window's view...
1 comment:
so, we jumped stumps & hopped rocks today... it was wicked sweet, lol! except it was nearly 90 degrees & we got on the wrong trail & missed our yoga class so, we did a later yoga class instead of bike mechanics. yesh!
later, twitchy
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