Monday, October 27, 2008

I like Chicken and I like Ham...

Neither of which I have had in more than two weeks. I realize I also haven't blogged in almost a week. I just haven't felt like I had anything important or interesting to say that I haven't said already. On Saturday I went on a boat ride on Lake Victoria and to the source of the Nile, which was really awesome. And Sunday I pretty much slept all day, which was amazing, and yesterday was a typical day here, hung out with the kids in the morning, went inside after it got hot and "auntie's skin was going to burn" and then later when it cooled down, met up with Hilary in town, did some shopping, went on a grocery store hunt for alfredo sauce, was highly unsuccessful, and then just relaxed all evening. The heat and humidity here just wipes you out whether you are actually tired or not. I can't believe I come home in a week. In some ways, I wish I could stay here for months, and in so many other ways, I miss Wal-mart and I'm ready to come home. Note to every American-proccessed cheese is the greatest luxury you could ever imagine, seriously. No one here sells cheese. I don't know how I can survive much longer without it. My only consolation is a can of cheese Whiz I brought with me that I have been daily rationing.
And now I shall continue my blog after taking thirty minutes to fix my internet connection...:) And because I just spent thrity minutes doing that, I totally don't remember my train of thought and what I was intending to say. And my internet just went out AGAIN, so when it comes back on, I will post this while I have the opportunity.

1 comment:

katiebug92 said...

mmmm.. i like chicken :P I had chicken express for dinner yesterday :P yum
you should post a picture of a monkey when your internet is working, because I want to see it :) and Im sure some of the other followeers of your blog would:P
<3 love, twitch