Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Want to learn how to drive? Don't do it here.

Ok, so I rode into town today with Judy the director here, and I seriously thought I was going to die. Not only does everyone here drive on the wrong side of the road, there are no traffic laws whatsoever, and no parking lots, so everyone simply parks on the side of the street, and no stoplights or anything. On top of that there are bicycles and motorcycles(both called "boda bodas") weaving constantly in and out of traffic. It was insane...


katiebug92 said...

Glad you liked em' Hammy!!! :)
(will write more when I get my new pink lap-top... :P
oh, & Im redoing your scrapbook desk! :P

tabatha said...

Hey girlie girl,

How's your first day in Africa? Do you realize that you've now touched down on 3 continents in your short life?
ok dad will be at work until 2am your time today so if you want to get ahold of him , go ahead. I won't get to check mine again until tomorrow. My pc should be in sometime between fri and mon.

Roxann said...

Hi Tay! I'm glad you are there and can't wait to keep up with your blog. I'm really excited that you're actually doing something that you've always wanted to do. I too wanted to be a missionary & to do exactly what you're doing! I'll keep praying for you while you're there. PS- you didn't have any weight to lose, maybe those grasshoppers will taste good???? :)